Drummond for Council

Drummond for Council

Monday, February 22, 2010

No More Virginia Commission of the Arts?

Yep. That's what will happen if the House of Delegates version of the budget goes through as it redlines - or eliminates - the Virginia Commission on the Arts by July 1, 2011. That's not good for the City or our Commonwealth. Not only does it cut out funding the helps spur economic development and is central to Virginia, but it cuts jobs. Unreal.

Anyhow, I also sit on the board of trustees for the Barter Theatre, the state theatre of Virginia. Here's a note I got from its artistic director. Lays out all the details.

Dear Barter family,

Please take the time to read this email. I know it is long, but it’s important.

We need your help and we need it quickly. Yesterday, February 21, the House Appropriations Committee voted to cut state funding to the Virginia Commission for the Arts by 50% in 2010-2011 and to eliminate the Virginia Commission for the Arts (VCA) in its entirety by July 1, 2011.

The Senate Finance Committee has adopted the budget proposal from former Governor Kaine that does not impose additional cuts to the Virginia Commission for the Arts. Later this week, there will be a vote on the House and Senate floors on the proposals from the two committees. The different versions of the budget bills approved by each house will then go to a Budget Conference Committee to resolve the differences.

Just to make sure you have an understanding of how important this is, the state legislature appropriates funds to the Virginia Commission for the Arts. These funds are in turn granted out by the VCA to arts organizations such as Barter Theatre. They help fund everything from the operating fund to our educational programs and the Players touring. VCA funding makes up a significant portion of contributed income to Barter Theatre.

How can you help? Call or write your Delegate and Senator and tell them to not support cuts in funding for the VCA. Find who your Delegate and Senator is here: http://legis.virginia.gov/1_cit_guide/contacting_my.html

Please include your own name and address in your letter.

Here are suggested talking points:

* Funding cuts to the VCA will mean the loss of jobs.
* Every dollar that the state invests through the VCA returns $7 in investments.
* Without state funding, the state would lose all Federal arts funding.
* Currently, the VCA is funded at the lowest per capita level among state agencies of surrounding states.
* The arts community recognizes the severity of the budget problems facing state government and expects to share in the cuts.
* The VCA has already experienced a 30% cut over the last two years.
* Arts organizations are economic forces in communities like Abingdon.
* Cultural tourism is an important component of the Virginia Tourism efforts.
* Urge the representatives to vote against the proposal of the House Appropriations Committee. The small investment the state makes has a major impact on local economic development, tourism, and education.

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